Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Importance of Oral Cancer Screening at the Dentist

The dental office is often the first line of defense for an oral cancer diagnosis.  According to the Mayo Clinic, oral or mouth cancer refers to cancer that "develops in any of the parts of that make up the mouth. Mouth cancer can occur on the: lips, gums, tongue, inner lining of the cheeks, roof of the mouth and the floor of the mouth."

Oral cancer is not a rare disease. Approximately 49,750 people will be diagnosed with oral cancer every year in the US. It kills one person every hour of every day, and approximately 132 new individuals will be diagnosed with it each day. The good news is that it can often be found early in its development, through a simple, painless, and quick screening.  If you visit your dentist regularly (at least twice a year), you are getting a unique opportunity to have a medical professional screen your mouth for signs of cancer.

Without vigilance, cancer diagnosis may be delayed which often translates to poorer outcomes and higher mortality rates. Oral cancer that is detected early has an 80 percent five-year survival rate.

Cancer is often associated with heavy drinking, use of tobacco products and UV exposure.  Oral cancer can be difficult to diagnose as there are generally few physical symptoms in the early stages. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Elbert today to ensure you have a healthier mouth tomorrow!

In honor of Oral Cancer Awareness Month, Thousand Oaks Smile Design will be offering free oral cancer screenings during the month of April.

Who should get screened?
Every adult. Oral cancer can often be caught early, even as a pre-cancer. With early detection, survival rates are high and the side effects are from treatment are at their lowest. Like other screenings you engage in such as cervical, skin, prostate, colon and breast examinations, oral cancer screenings are an effective means of finding cancer at its early, highly curable stages. Make them part of your annual health check-ups.

What are the risk factors?
There are two distinct pathways by which most people come to oral cancer. One is thorough the use of tobacco and alcohol, a long term historic problem and cause, and the other is through exposure to the HPV16 virus (human papilloma virus version 16), which is now the leading cause of oropharyngeal cancers in the US, and the same one, which is responsible for the vast majority of cervical cancers in women. The quickest growing segment of the oral cancer population are young, healthy, non-smokers due to the connection to this virus.

Early Indicators:
  • Red and/or white discolorations of the soft tissues of the mouth.
  • Any sore which does not heal within 14 days.
  • Hoarseness which lasts for a prolonged period of time.

Advanced Indicators:
  • A sensation that something is stuck in you throat. 
  • Numbness in the oral region.
  • Difficulty in moving the jaw or tongue.
  • Difficulty in swallowing.
  • Ear pain which occurs on one side only.
  • A sore under a denture, which even after adjustment of the denture, still does not heal.
  • A lump or thickening which develops in the mouth or on the neck.

The team at Thousand Oaks Smile Design, are dedicated professionals whose passion is your smile. We would like to highlight them in this blog so you can familiarize yourself with these members of our staff.

Meagan Moore is originally from Calabasas. She received her diploma in Dental Assisting in 2010. Outside of work Meagan enjoys camping, boating and water skiing. Meagan is looking forward to growing with our office and applying her dental experience. She is a great addition to our team!

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